The percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard (2023-24)
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths was 50%.
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading was 60%.
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in writing was 57%
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in maths was 60%
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) was 65%
The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard (2023-24)
The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and maths was 7%.
The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in reading was 25%.
The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in writing was 10%
The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in maths was 15%
The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) was 47%
Average scaled scores
For reading, GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and maths, children sit statutory assessment tests (SATs) each year. Whilst the tests are developed to the same specification each year, the questions differ and therefore the difficulty of tests may vary. To address this, the total number of marks a pupil gets in a test (their ‘raw’ score) is converted into a scaled score, to ensure accurate comparisons of performance over time can be made. Pupils scoring at least 100 will have met the expected standard on the test. The table below sets out the average scaled school for Spring Lane Primary School children at the end of Key Stage 2.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development is 59%.
The Phonics Screening Check
The percentage of children passing the phonics screening check in Year 1 is 71%
The Multiplication Check
The percentage of children scoring 80% and above in the multiplication check in Year 4 is 64%
Progress Scores
This year, the government won’t publish data on primary school pupil progress because there are no key stage 1 SATs results to provide a baseline. Progress is normally based on a comparison between key stage 1 and key stage 2 SATs results. However, because of the covid pandemic, key stage 1 SATs were cancelled along with all other school tests in 2020 and 2021. Therefore the government will instead will only publish the usual attainment measures.
Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table. .
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